972-905-9226 972-905-9269 info@kalrasurgery.com
D Magazine: Best Doctors in Dallas

D Magazine: Best Doctors in Dallas

Dr. Kalra Earns D Magazine’s Best Neurosurgeon in Dallas for Fourth Year in a Row D Magazine’s “Best Doctors” is Dallas’ number one resource for finding the highest-quality, most respected doctors in the area. We’re proud to announce that our own Dr. Ricky Kalra has...
National Spine Health Awareness Month

National Spine Health Awareness Month

KBS Offers New Hope for Neck and Spine Pain Awareness months come and go. But if the condition in the spotlight is one you happen to deal with personally, you’re more likely to take notice. And if you’re one of the millions of Americans who suffer from severe neck or...
Blessing in Disguise

Blessing in Disguise

Car Accident Reveals Lemon-Sized Tumor When Julio Molina of Little Elm, Texas, was in a serious car accident in early 2020, he felt fortunate to walk away with minor injuries and just a few scratches on his face. But while in the emergency room, a routine CT scan to...
Hope for Herniated Discs

Hope for Herniated Discs

If you suffer from a herniated disc (also called spinal disc herniation), you’re not alone! The Mayo Clinic estimates this very common condition affects more than three million Americans per year. At Kalra Brain & Spine, we see many individuals who are...